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PPT Inženjering AD, 3, Toplicin venac St, 11000 Belgrade

phone: +381 11 369 0 168; Fax: + 381 11 369 0 479,

Design   ActiveNetwork

Main activity of PPT INZENJERING a.d. BEOGRAD is designing, creation, procurement, assembly/mounting and commissioning with proving the designed performance values, elctro-hydraulic and electro-pneumatic systems and systems of central lubricating with grease and oil under pressure, with complete automation which supports these systems. Apart from use of wide range of products from the main PPT production, this activity also requires designing of special components that are not parts of standard PPT production program, which also falls under activities of PPT INZENJERING.

In addition to this, there ia a possibility of participating in maintenance of hydraulic sstems of domestic and foreign production through expert assistance of designers and/or mechanicians-servicers, through annual maintenance contracts or expert assistance contracts, including the replacement of imported equipment with the local one.

With the help pf PPT Inzinjering, one can procure all the products from the product portfolio of PRVA PETOLETKA TRSTENIK, and also receive special expert assistance which includes a large number of information which do not belong to standard catalogues, brochures and user manuals.