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PPT Inženjering AD, 3, Toplicin venac St, 11000 Belgrade

phone: +381 11 369 0 168; Fax: + 381 11 369 0 479,

Design   ActiveNetwork

PPT INZENJERING has 50 employees. The employees are of different professions and profiles (mechanical, electro-technical, economic, legal…), out of which one third are the employees with university education.

Thanks to experts with specific expertise in the area of hydraulics and pneumatics, and to their persistence and timely and deliberated business orientation, the company carefully monitors, follows and fulfills requirements of the local and foreign markets.

In PPT Inzerenjing, full attention is paid to skills and knowledge of each employee and we invest a lot of effort to upgrade them through investments in professional and personal promotion. That is being achieved through different forms of functional education, learning and improving languages, IT skills, visits to professional seminars, fairs, through post-graduate studies and the like.
