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PPT Inženjering AD, 3, Toplicin venac St, 11000 Belgrade

phone: +381 11 369 0 168; Fax: + 381 11 369 0 479,

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PPT Inzenjering AD Belgrade was founded on 17 October 1958 in Belgrade, in the form of branch office established by the company IHP Prva Petoletka – Trstenik. The purpose of establishing the branch office was to maintain contacts with the highest state bodies, institutions and companies that have had a business relationship with this factory.

Since its establishment until today, employees of PPT Inzenjering AD developed a program basis, ensuring a successful business in the past and prospects for development in the future.

Within the IHP Prva Petoletka - Trstenik, as a subsidiary company it changed its organizational form following the requirements stipulated by the Law, growing from a branch office into the most complex organizational form of business, a joint stock company.

By the Decision of the Serbian Business Registers Agency in Belgrade under the number BD3897/2005, dated 15.07.2005 the company was transformed to a commercial entity under the business name name ”Preduzeće za projektovanje i inženjering PPT Inženjering A.D.” (Company for Design and Engineering PPT Inzenjering AD) Belgrade, Bulevar vojvode Misica 37-39, as part of IHP Prva Petoletka- Trstenik, Cara Dusana 101.

After an unsuccessful sale of Prva Petoletka, pursuant to the Company Law, PPT Inzenjering AD withdrew from the parent company and entered independently in the privatization procedure by means of public tender. By the Decision of the Privatization Agency dated 4 February 2010

a successful sale of 67.06% of state owned capital was made, and the buyer was Open Joint Stock Company "Trest Gidromontaž" from Moscow, Russia.

The realization of the execution of the Agreement on purchase of capital of PPT Inzenjering AD was monitored by the Privatization Agency of the Republic of Serbia within five years from the date of the execution of the Agreement, and on 6 June 2016 the Agency concluded that the Buyer fulfilled all the contractual obligations and that it is no longer their competence.

In accordance with the Law on Enterprises and the Law on the Capital Market the majority owner has carried out the procedure of purchasing the remaining shares of small shareholders, on 22 September 2017 the General Meeting of Shareholders decided to withdraw shares from the regulated market and the decision on the termination of the public joint stock company and the Buyer became 100% owner of the share capital.

Since May 20, 2019 the owner of 100% fixed assets  has been Serykh Vadim Petrovich.

PPT Inzenjering AD currently operates as single, non-public joint stock company, and its administrative bodies are: AGM and Board of Directors.

Legal statutory representative of the Company is General Manager Luka Savovic, since 1991.

The main activity of the Company is engineering and technical consultancy, 72.12.

The Company has multiple organizational units, divisions, departments and facility in Trstenik.

Company PPT Inzenjering AD has 50 employees. Employees have various fields of specialization (mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, finance, law…) and system of continuous education provides to the employees know-how to carry out the tasks successfully.

The Company is certified according to the required standards 9001:2015, 14001:2015, OHSAS 18001:2007.